This is my completed school magazine front cover, after looking at both my first and second drafts I wrote down what was wrong and how I could change it/improve it. It think it was a good idea to have a Mast Head as it is how magazines are recognized, it's big and bright and the orange and blue make great contrast resulting into an eye catching header. It's pretty much sums up what the magazine is for so if this is what the reader is looking for then they'll know. As there is a lot going on in the background of the image I could only put a limited amount of copy on because otherwise it looked crowded, so if I was to do this again then I probably would find a different scene to take the picture that would allow me to put more on the front as that would help it look more like a magazine and if there was a reader looking at the cover, it would also make it more appealing if there was more information to read. For the font I have used Roman Times as it is the schools theme and I thought that since I'm representing the school I should keep to that theme, however I did use a different font for the word NEW as it draws attention and it is very important information that a parent would need to know. With the colour orange I have almost made a triangle, and from my research I have found out that this technique is most likely going to grab the readers attention, and to the image it surrounds. So when the readers attention is grabbed to the image, in which case a student doing an experiment, they are going to see this smartly dress girl who looks to be enjoying herself in a clean, bright and safe environment. All of them are shown through her calm facial expression, the bright and colourful surroundings and her safety goggles and all of these create very good representations to the school.
If I was to improve this magazine anymore I would have changed the background, as I said I would have liked more room for copy. I think I would have chosen a different colour from orange, as good as it stands out I think it's too bright and in your face to be mature enough for parents, it makes it look like its more the students instead.
The Final Contents
I tired to keep it simple and professional as it is for parents and they want to get straight to the point. I have kept with the house style of blue and orange. There is also synergy with the colours and the link between the science pictures and font. I thought the picture are acceptable as it gives a quick view to the parents at what the school environment is like.
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