Monday, 25 November 2013

Fashion Magazine & Evaluation

Evaluation of my magazine

One of the most important things about a magazine is the mast head; this is because it contributes to grabbing a reader’s attention. So I was careful with the colour I chose, I ended up with a bold red, blocked font with black outline however, even though it was eye catching I still wanted it to be different to other magazines so I gave it a shadow so it has a 3D effect to it. Another important factor is the picture; this tells the readers a lot about what the magazine is about and who the target audience is. I chose to do a winter fashion magazine for the age group 16 -25 for females. I did my research on different types of fashion magazines to have a look at the kind of pictures they used and they were all very similar, they had a beautiful model or celebrity inducement with stylish clothes on to represent the magazine. So when doing my picture I wore a winter coat with the fluffy hood up to block the background with so it left me with just my face and the fluff of the hood, if I was to do it again I would change that because it didn’t leave me with enough space for the copy and it looks cluttered and effected the clearness of writing. Because I did the theme of winter I took that into account when I chose the colours, I edited the photo to whites and brown to represent the snow and bare trees and then the red for the falling leafs. I would also change the copy on the front as I don’t think is sounds very interesting and it wouldn’t stand out from other magazines if it was on the shelf. I would add things such as ‘NO.1 FASHION MAGAZINE’ so the readers would be pulled into what everyone else is into.

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