Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Final Front Cover, Contents and Inside Pages

Final Front Cover, Contents and Inside pages

Front Cover
This is my finished front cover, after doing my research I have targeted my magazine for teenagers as they are the most likely to purchase one. To appeal to my target audience, I also got from my research that the music genre that I should do is Indie rock as it is the music group that has been most popular recently. I have portrayed this music group by dressing my 'celebrity' in a trending fashion called 'Indie' that consists of band shirts, boots and an overall cool and laid back look. I thought this would be a good selling point as teenagers can relate to this celebrity and I have also used the gratification theory, so when girls see this young model they will want to be like her. Also she isn't just selling music but being a fashion icon so this magazine has a wider range in readers.

When thinking about creating my Mast Head I wanted something that would be short and easy to remember but also recognizable. Rock and Roll is a music genre that has been around for many years and there isn't a person who hasn't heard of it, so I thought this would have been a good Mast Head. Even though my magazine isn't aimed for the older ages because it is a music group that has appealed to many ages, that all ages would have a look to see what new Rock and Roll there is.

I have gone for the colour scheme red and black as they are the colours most of the older rock bands have used e.g. The Rolling Stones, so yet again it would be a good way to keep everything representing the genre of music. Them two put together also make good contrast and become very eye catching.

As I have a  patterned background, I had to put a block behind the Mast Head as I didn't want it to blend, so if I was to do this again, I would have taken my image on a plain background.

I used a very bold font to keep it eye catching and it really makes it stand out on the page. For my copy I completed a significant amount of research to see what kind is written on the front of a music magazines and it was mostly to do with concerts and new songs and albums coming out. They also advertise new bands on the front to help them get heard, so I took all this in to consideration when thinking about the information I was putting on the front. As you can see it is all to do with gigs, festivals and bands. I kept them short but interesting to the readers. People are very nosy and are very interested about finding out things about peoples' personal life, so I gave a little bit about what the interview was about but not too much that there is still some mystery.

When getting ready to take my photo for the front cover I purchased several music magazines to get an idea of how my 'celebrity' should be positioned. They were all very similar, if it was a band I would have a mid-shot of all of them in some sort of standing position. However, the people on their own are in all different kinds of shots and positions so that gave me a chance to be creative. I chose to have her in a slouched sitting position as it made her look very carefree and laid back, this would be good idea as the music group I am representing is very chilled out. Also I had to think about having a good image and also have enough space to have my copy, and I did well with this as there was plenty of space to play about with and try different kinds of fonts and sizes. Although I would have moved the camera up a bit more to give me some more space to put a bigger Mast Head. Having a patterned background caused a few problems for me as it was hard to find a colour and a font that didn't blend in so I did have to highlight most of it, this wasn't too bad as it goes with the colour scheme and if anything, helps make it look more like a magazine cover. 

After purchasing a variety of different music magazines and looking at the contents I had put a list of the different conventions that were always included. They all had very similar thing such as sub headings, they make it easier for a reader to find what it is they want from the magazine - if its whats in this issue or if it' in every one. Contents are also linked to the front cover, they tend to have the same colour schemes and also it is common to have the biggest image linked to the front cover. There is always a lot of writing in small basic font.

When taking my images I really had to make them look appealing. To represent my 'Styles' page I took a picture of some Vans, theses shoes are a very popular brand and I thought that this would spike interest because that fact they are so well known. Fashion is a huge thing in this day and age so I thought that it would be a positive selling point as teenagers are always looking for new styles to wear and since my target audience is for teenagers it will be a popular page. However, I tried to make this magazine for both genders but this particular addition has turned out to be more appealing for females.

My 'Where's B & Zoe?' image is very basic but also effective, they are supposed to be people that are a big part of the magazine, they are always in it with a page about venturing around seeking new and amazing bands, like I said with the Oscars, teenagers are always looking for new music and this is a great way of finding new tracks.

Finally 'Megan Spencer' is the main focus, as you can see it has the biggest picture, this is because for this particular addition, she is the 'center of attention' and probably the reason why most people purchased the magazine. The image on the front cover was showing her cool and sexy side and the one I have used in my contents is more of a fun side of her which again is drawing the reader to find out more about what she is like.

As you can see I have stayed with the colours red and back as it help creates synergy, it links the front cover and the contents well, I have also used one of the fonts from the copy, again linking it with the front page.

Inside Pages
For my inside pages I wanted to keep with the synergy, so the images are from the same photo shoot, however because the interview shows a different side to her I put a more 'natural' picture so the readers can picture her as they read but I kept her 'stage' style. I have carried on using red and black and have used a bold font from the cover to create house style and synergy.

My aim for my inside pages was to go with the stereotypical set out of an actually magazine. The stereotypes consist of having the writing set out in a justified style as it makes it look a lot neater and more professional, its also very common in written pieces such as newspapers. The questions and answers are in columns on the page because it allows you to write a certain amount of information with it looking neat. I have enlarged some of the important parts of the text as I thought that they will catch the readers attention and spike their interest which will make them continue reading. I have also enlarged the beginning letters of each answer as it makes it look that little more professional.

My media product is for the target audience of teenagers that like Indie Rock. All the red on my pages connote love and passion, love and passion of music, singers, band members and fans. This magazine is for the girls that look up to Megan as a role model, hearing her story of how she came to fame and what she done in times of need. Megan's picture in the contents connotes that you don't have to be serious and cool as she is shown on the front, but crazy and weird. For the readers that are looking past Megan, there is so much information of all different kinds of music and gigs, it influences younger people to start getting out and experience festivals. 

If there was a company that was to distribute my magazine it would be 'Bauer Media Group'
as they publish a various of different genres. They produce the magazines Kerrang, Mojo and Q magazine. They operate in 15 country's  and they only like to do genres that are popular so since Indie Rock has become so very popular recently I think my magazine would strike their interest. Their target audience is also aimed at young adults so having that in common it also another reason as to why this company would be well suited for my magazine.

I have learnt a lot about technologies from the process of constructing  my product. When taking my image I used a Canon 550D, because of the lighting and the enclosed space, I had to learn what kinds of settings was needed, so as much light could be captured and I had to learn about aperture so I could make sure everything in the shot was in focus and nothing was blurred. Once I had chosen my final image, Microsoft Word helped out hugely. I learnt how to group everything I had on my page together to create one final piece and everything. I also learnt about all the different fonts, sizes and that you could highlight certain words that you wanted to stand out. All of theses helped with the completion of front cover, contents and inside pages. 

Looking back at my product I have learnt that detail is very important, when taking you image you have to think about clothing, body language, facial expression and mise-en-scene because you are representing you genre and you have to do it by your image, font and colours. I have also learnt that you have to really think about who your target audience is and how you can relate to them in the magazine. I have learnt the correct way to set out the copy and the mast head and way in which will grab the readers attention to your magazine such as the triangle where you create a triangle using the same colour. All of theses techniques have allowed me to create my final pieces.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Final Magazine Front Cover

First Draft: Magazine Front Cover

This is the picture I've chosen, the reason I have chose this picture is because she is representing herself and the music genre we do well, she is sitting in a slouch position looking very laid back and chilled out which is what her music is like, her glasses are cool and fashionable like she is and she is wearing  DM boots that represent the music groups we also do. Then they clothing is white and black leaving the question 'Is she a saint or a sinner?'

This is my first draft of adding a Mast Head and Copy

Target audience and a selection of pictures of my front cover

Looking over the information I had received and the information I had found online I have decided I am going to do a magazine on the music group of Rock and Roll as this generation has a sudden liking to listing to the older bands and because this has become a new thing there aren't that many magazines that represent this genre of music. Then I read about the age groups that are most likely to purchase a magazine and it resulted in 13-17 year old. So my target audience is going to be for teenagers. As teenagers are at that age where they cant work or work and only get a small pay check I thought id make sure I put plenty of chances to win things and something free with it.

So with the information that I needed I started to take pictures for the front of my magazine.
I have used a my sister Megan and I have dressed her up in a style of clothing that would be called 'Indie' and I did this because this is the stereo-type clothing for the people that listen to Rock, it is also a popular style of clothing that is trending so it also might draw attention to people that haven't head of 'her'. Megan is a new singer that has became very popular and I have used her on the front as she is new people are going to want to find out more about her and when she is going to bring out new music so I thought that this would be a good selling point.

When taking the pictures I thought about space to put the copy, lighting and colours so it's clear and eye catching and also appealing to look at. I also wanted to use sex appeal, as it is a female singer I didn't just want girls to buy the magazine, so if she looked appealing then it would also attracted the males.


I have decided to put together a questionnaire to hand out to 20 people to find out what age group is most likely going to purchases a magazine so I can get my target audience. I would also like to find out what music is most popular so I can get an idea what genre of music I am going to represent. I will include some answers as to what would also make my magazine stand out to the rest. I am planning to give these out at a music group that ranges from 13-30+ with both male and female.

Here are my Questions I will include:

Male/Female- F (11) M (9)
Age- 12 (1) 16-18 (15) 30+(4)

  • What is it you look for in a music magazine?
  • What kind of music genre do you like? Why?
  • If there was something free that came with the magazine, would you be more tempted to buy it? If so what kind of things would you like?
  • What draws you in mostly about a magazine? Why?
  • Do you buy a music magazine for the celebrity on the front? 

Here are a few of the replies I got back.

  1. What is it you look for in a music magazine?
>When looking to purchase a magazine I look for the singer/band on the front and if I like them enough that I want to read about them then I would buy it but if not then I see what else is written down to see if that interests me. Although I regularly buy Vibe magazine as I am always interested to find out what new music there is. 

>I think it is the celebrity that they represent that gets my attention, I am a massive music fan and I listen to all different kinds of people and different genres so if it was someone I really liked and would like to know more about them or things they plan to do then that would definitely be a winner for me.

>I am a fan on posters, my room is covered in them, so each week I look for a magazine with the best poster to plaster on my wall, my genre of music is old/new rock however there isn't many magazines for me to choose from so that's upsetting but there are still some good ones. 

2. What kind of music Genre do you like? Why?

>My favourite music genre must be 'Indie.' its a new type of genre, a lot of old songs have been put into this music group and a lot of newly found singers have taken up this type. It can be very chilled out but then there is also some really happy ones so whatever mood you are in there is a Indie song to go with it.

>Rock, especially the old rock like The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. I like these the most people the songs actually mean something unlike all the new 'R'n'B' rubbish all they sing/rap about is love and getting their heart broken by some 'shawty.' Music is supposed to be meaningful and inspirational and I think old Rock does that well!

>County is my favourite type of music, this is probably because I was brought up around it and there wasn't all these different types, some of them I haven't even heard of! But I think the singers have lovely voices and I do like the sound of someone playing the guitar. 

3. If there was something free that came with the magazine, would you be more tempted to buy it? If so what kind of things would you like?

>As I mentioned in the first one it's posters that make the magazine a winner, so if there was a couple of good posters of my music taste then I would be more tempted to buy it.

>I have a huge mix-tape collection growing of all the old and forgotten bands and songs that I have gotten out of magazines and I would like to keep that going, but there isn't many that do that now as everyone downloads there music and no one really listens to CD'S/tape and records anymore. So giving free music would be good for me.

>I'm not fussed about getting anything with the magazine, I look for what is in them not what comes with it but I suppose is something came with it, it would be nice. I would have anything really, free money would be great ha-ha!

4. What draws you in mostly about a magazine? Why?

> Image is what grabs my attention, when I'm looking for a magazine I couldn't care about the brand I look for the people that I am interested in. Magazines are known for putting beautiful people modelling on the front but none of that bothers me, I just want to read about the people I enjoy listening too and I will only do that if they are on the front cover.

> I'm doing A-level art so I am so used to being around colours that it has become a habit of looking at things that are colourful so if there are colours that compliment and contrast each other then they are most likely going to be picked up by me. 

> I like to get a lot for what I pay for, so when the cover has plenty of information on the front i know it has a lot inside, so if I see a magazine with plenty on I will most likely pick it up to see what there is to read about but because i's getting old it's hard to see so when they have all the colour and big fonts it's a lot better for me.

5. Do you buy a music magazine for the celebrity on the front? 

'Everyone said that they had answered this is previous questions, so if I was to hand this out to different people then I would remove this question'

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Music Magazine Research

I Google searched some popular magazines and have got some covers, contents and inside pages. I have annotated and picked out what links each of them so I know what I should add to my magazine.

This is a popular Urban magazine.
Mast Head- Vibe is very recognizable with it's house style. They always have 'vibe' as their mast head in the same font and size; it is mostly in red however there ware a few that are in different colours. Because they always have the same font/size/colour means that when a reader is looking for this magazine it will be easy to find as it is the same as before. They have used a bold font and used a fair bit of the page for it creating an eye catching heading, also because it's a small word it is something that is easy to remember if you wanted to get it again or tell a friend.

The Copy- It looks like they have used the same font as the Mast Head which makes it look almost tidy. Instead of making words stand out with a different font they've used different font sizes and colours, they've used the colour scheme white, red and blue. With the colours they have used the technique of creating a triangle which my research shows it draws the readers eyes to the magazine and the magazine image. The copy is interesting enough to draw the reader in or find out more. They have used up all free space on both sides so their isn't any plain parts but they haven't made it look crowded.

Image- As with all their magazines they have put a singer of the genre that they sell, which is Urban. They only do singers and not bands; they mostly use mid-shots except from the odd few. Here they have got T.I who is a Urban rapper and they are presenting him as tough and serious from his facial expression and the way they have taken the picture it looks like he is staring at you. They did this because they aren't just representing themselves but the artist too. Rap is supposed to be about serious stories, from this picture you know he doesn't do dancy music.

This is a popular Rock magazine.
Mast Head- Kerrang is easily recognizable with it's house style, all the magazine mast heads say 'Kerrang!' and is either in white or black font and it's always in the same place and they use the same size and font. On the first few issues they had the mast head was in front of the band/singers head because they wanted readers to notice the brand more but as the magazine has become more popular they have been able to hide it a little because its house style makes is recognizable.

The Copy- There is plenty of information on the front to draw readers in, things such as info about gigs and albums and also prizes. Kerrang is know for having many posters inside too. It looks like they have used about 4 different fonts one for the Mast Head, Subheading, quote and the rest of the copy. The first three are in different font because they are know either to be the most important or a quote. There is a big variety in size of the font, this is so all of the page is eye catching. They have kept with the house style using red and white, but they have also used some yellow in the copy that they want to stand out.

The Image- The magazine has celebrity enforcement obviously, they represent bands and singers on the front only if there are the type of genre they sell, clearly. For this one they are representing a band called Slipknot however they have only used one of the person but because they are so well known with their masks they only have to have one. They have just got a man dressed up as a clown on a clear background, making sure there is plenty space for the copy.

 When looking at different music magazine contents I made a list of things that where similar in each one. I found things like sub headings where very repetitive in my research. They said things like 'This Issue' and 'Weekly.' Numbers are always in a different colour to the text so they stand out on the page, they are quite important on this page too. There are always range of pictures all different sizes, normally the biggest one is what the magazine is representing on the from e.g. an exclusive interview. The font is always simple and easy to read, its quite small so they can put a much detail in to catch the readers attention. There is normally only 2-3 colours used, again to keep it simple as this page is mostly for information but the colours still make it look more professional.

Inside pages come in all sorts of themes, normally depending on what it is about. The first one is an interview, because it is simply asking someone questions they have to grab people attention with an interesting story and a funky theme. Magazines stereotypical set out is the writing set out in rows and the questions are in a different colour to the writing to make everything clear. The colour are set out so they all go together but not too much of one colour, its all evenly spread out. An inside page always have pictures to yet again draw attention, in this case they have a whole page dedicated to him. Its different for all story's but normally the picture relates to how they are shown/represented in the interview. Then have got a quote from the interview and inlarged it in all different sizes which is very eye catching - if you where to do this then it would have to be a quote that will make you want to read on and find out more.